Yannick Lowery

Philadelphia, PA
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- Abstract, Collage, Illustrative, Landscape, Portraiture, Sculpture
- Community Organizer, Educator, Muralist, Socially Engaged Art
Yannick Lowery is an interdisciplinary artist based in Philadelphia, PA. Inspired by the cultural dynamism of his native New York and present hometown, his work explores the creations of illustrated proverbs, portents and historical souvenirs to guide the viewer through cultural introspection and responsible, imaginative perpetuation. He parallels archival imagery and his own photography to employ world-creation and compile instigative and investigative way-making devices through collage, animation, and sculptural works.
Lowery’s deeply personal, sentient body of work explores visual art as an echolocation device and reflectional tool of retelling and foretelling of narratives that reflect his identities. Ultimately, his works are allegorical tools for his true medium: the robust ecosystem of community that inspires him, becomes central imagery for his work, and participates in the concepts that inform his oeuvre.