Eric Okdeh


Family Interrupted

Philadelphia, PA


The Only Way Out is Through

Philadelphia, PA


The Promise of Biotechnology

Philadelphia, PA


Eric Okdeh

Philadelphia, PA

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Philadelphia based muralist and glass artist, Eric Okdeh began creating public art in 1998.  After receiving his BFA in painting from Tyler School of Art, Eric chose to focus on socially  engaged public art exclusively. Eric has created multimedia projects tackling difficult subject  matters, such as gambling, addiction, mass incarceration and overcoming the stigma of  mental illness. Central to the process is conducting interviews in communities. Using art as a  means to gather personal narratives, he is able to bring people’s stories to life and create a  dialogue that is cathartic and promotes empathy and understanding. Additionally, the use of  technology and social media platforms allow the conversation to continue beyond the  completion of the physical work.  Eric has facilitated art and mural making workshops in a wide array of communities  including teens and adults, incarcerated men, as well as people in recovery programs. These  classes serve as a vehicle for skill building, leadership and teamwork exercises, which  culminate in major mural projects. Eric has found that the process of mural making provides  a sense of inclusion and accomplishment among its participants that in turn empower them  to take ownership in their work.  Eric has over 150 public art commissions throughout the northeast United States as well as  murals in Hawaii, Spain, Jordan and Norway. He is proud to have created public art with the  City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, and multiple Percent for Art programs and other  public art organizations throughout the US and the world. His work is featured in seven  books about public art