Duwenavue Sante Johnson



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Duwenavue Sante Johnson is a BIPOC artist with a rich heritage spanning both the northern and southern regions of the United States over the past four centuries. This diverse upbringing has significantly shaped Johnson’s artistic lens, fostering a relentless quest for equilibrium, aesthetic allure, and steadiness within her masterpieces.

Possessing exceptional talent in hand embroidery and contemporary art, Johnson does not limit herself to any single medium. Instead, her artistic style is a beautiful tapestry woven from her extensive travels, absorbing a spectrum of hues, environmental motifs, and textures from every corner of the globe. Johnson ingeniously merges a variety of painting and textile methods, harmonizing the wisdom acquired from formal instruction with the cultural elements that have molded her character.

In her role as an educator and expert in needle arts, she dedicates her energy to the meticulous and elaborate details embedded in Heraldry. Johnson generously imparts her expertise on the symbolic foundational principles, design formulation, and stitching methods, while accentuating the importance of artisanship in her presentations. Johnson’s journey towards becoming an artist was fueled by her mixed-race heritage and the experience of seldom encountering individuals with similar backgrounds. This propelled her to seek avenues for forging connections with others through the medium of creativity.