Anthony Molden

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Anthony Carlos Molden is a mixed media painter/sculptor born in 1968 in Cedar Rapids, IA, and raised in Altadena, CA. Anthony currently resides and creates in Philadelphia, PA.
He is a ,mostly, self-taught artist; but, has taken courses at both the Pasadena College of Art + Design and the University of Iowa…in order to supplement self-learning.
Anthony has been drawing since age 3…and painting with acrylic and oil, vigorously, since age 12. In his 20s, he started working as a scenic on movie, video and theatre sets. Anthony has also had an over 20yr career in construction and creation/restoration of decorative architecture while living in New York City for 25yrs.
All of the aforementioned experiences lent to Anthony’s current painting style, which is a mix of sculptural relief with a repurposing of found objects and recycled materials. All of his paintings are made with 90-100% recycled materials, including paint and surfaces. This was a 20yr goal for Anthony…\”to make something of value out of the piles of refuse around us everyday.\”
Anthony’s work has been exhibited at such reputable galleries as…Kenny Schacter Contemporary and La Mama La Galleria both in NY…as well as the Painted Art Center, Tiberino Museum and Rush Arts…all in Philadelphia, PA.
Mr. Molden has also become a master at live painting and has done it several times…from the renowned Leaf Art & Music Festival in Asheville, NC to the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia.
Anthony’s works are currently on exhibit at The Painted Bride Art Center…and he is presently preparing for a full solo show at Rush Arts.