Public Artist Directory submission form

To further Mural Arts commitment to opportunities and visibility for our artist community MAP has developed a public-facing Artist Directory for artists and muralists who can be contacted for mural commissions directly through this accessible portal. Artists are invited to join based on their demonstrated ability to take on independent mural projects outside of Mural Arts.

Please complete this form and take a moment to Terms of Use.

If you have any questions, please contact

Personal Information (for our contact use only)

Name *
Last name *
Email *
Please enter your email for contact purposes (internal use only)

Profile information (shared publicly on the directory webpage)

Publicly listed name *
re-enter your name as above or an “artist name” if you’d prefer to be publicly listed in the directory otherwise
Location *
City, State/Country
Artist website or Public art archive link *
Please include a link for a website/online portfolio with your work. You can substitute for a link to the Public Art Archive search profile if available (visible on the website)
Social media or public art archive link (Optional)
Please include a link to social media presenting your work. You can substitute for a link to the Public Art Archive search profile if available (visible on the website)
Bio *
Please add a small paragraph describing your practice, experience and artistic interests (300 words)
Primary practice *
Select all relevant options
Medium/Theme *
Select all relevant options
Profile picture *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Please upload a JPEG to be used as your profile image, this can be either your portrait or a cropped image of your work.

Artwork information (publicly shared)

Please upload 3 examples of your work in JPEG format as you would like them to be seen on the website. Please consider/include the following:

  • Name of the mural or project
  • Location of artwork
  • Year produced
  • Images should not exceed 1280 pixels in any direction, nor be greater than 2MB.

The work will be shared in the order they are submitted.

Artwork #1 *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Title of artwork #1 *
Location of artwork #1 *
Year completed artwork #1 *
Is the image or likeness of individuals represented or reproduced in this mural artwork?
Artwork #2 *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Title of artwork #2 *
Location of artwork #2 *
Year completed artwork #2 *
Is the image or likeness of individuals represented or reproduced in this mural artwork?
Artwork #3 *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Title of artwork #3 *
Location of artwork #3 *
Year completed artwork #3 *
Is the image or likeness of individuals represented or reproduced in this mural artwork?

Acknowledgement of terms and conditions